Highly Commended: Paul Wilson, WeFindHouses

Highly Commended: Paul Wilson, WeFindHouses

WeFindHouses doesn't forget about you once your purchase has been settled. Their continued service and concern for you as a valuable client continues for years down the track. They were recently in touch with us after many clients had issues with the property management company they had recommended 18 months ago. They didn't just leave us to deal with the issues on our own, and I was very surprised and impressed by this level of continued service.” – Jodie Achay

-It’s both reassuring and rewarding to know that our clients regard us highly enough to take the time to not only share their experience but also recommend us to others, which is one of the greatest compliments a business could ever hope to achieve. Our clients certainly make our work enjoyable and are the reason we do what we do.

I am extremely proud of my team; we all take pride in our work and our strong culture of overservicing our clients and committed focus on their individual circumstances – never a cookie-cutter approach.

-There are many aspects to consider when investing in property, and a buyer’s agent stringently evaluates prospective properties, reviewing a multitude of factors ranging from local demographics, supply and demand, infrastructure, planned developments and affordability to how well matched it is to the investor’s individual criteria and required financial outcomes. They also analyse the potential ongoing property expenses and any future opportunities so they can provide the investor with the most complete and accurate assessment of their prospective investment.

-Purchasing and negotiating unemotionally is key to your success. Don’t just submit an offer but back it up with a justification for your offer. You need to condition the seller to how you came up with your offer. You should also try to fi nd out the needs of the seller and ensure your offer caters to their needs.

-A recent real-life negotiation resulted in the vendor accepting the offer not because it was the highest one on the table – there were offers up to $20k more – but because the vendor was motivated and had a tight timeframe. They required certainty to ensure that in a few weeks’ time they were not going to have the deal fall over, and they were happy to accept a lesser offer that eliminated pest and building inspections (instead these were done up front) and to have a contract that was only subject to finance.