Don't miss the chance to be recognised as a Top Brokerage

Brokerages need to submit their entries by next Friday to be recognised

Don't miss the chance to be recognised as a Top Brokerage

Entries for the 2022 Mortgage Professional Australia Top Brokerages special report, proudly sponsored by Bankwest, will close next Friday.

The past three years have seen different brokerages on top of MPA’s annual list. Will the 2021 winner, Australian Lending & Investment Centre, be able to keep the top spot this year or will we see a new brokerage’s name in lights?

Brokerages with five or more loan writers (authorised credit representatives) are invited to put forward an entry for recognition as one of the best in the country. Aggregators and franchises are also encouraged to put forward their top performers.

“Bankwest is thrilled to sponsor MPA’s Top Brokerages 2022. Increasing numbers of customers are choosing to work with brokers due to their expertise, flexibility, professionalism and ability to select across a panel of lenders. Brokers’ commitment in achieving great outcomes for customers continues to attract record volumes of new business and record levels of reviews for existing business,” said Ian Rakhit, general manager of third-party banking at Bankwest.

Entries can be submitted through this short online form.

Winners will be featured in MPA magazine and online and gain access to exclusive marketing and promotional opportunities designed to amplify their achievement across multiple channels.

Entries close next Friday, April 08.

The Top Brokerages 2022 report, proudly sponsored by Bankwest, will be revealed in MPA magazine’s issue 22.03 and online in July.

The online form can be accessed here.