Top tips from an AMA winner: Ian Robinson

Multi-AMA winner and the founding director of Robinson Sewell Partners offers his top tips for running your brokerage at maximum efficiency

Top tips from an AMA winner: Ian Robinson
Multi-AMA winner and founding director of Robinson Sewell Partners, Ian Robinson, offers his top tips for running your brokerage at maximum efficiency 

Years in the industry:  7
Company: Robinson Sewell Partners
Location: Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
What's your top tip for getting a faster turnaround time for a bank?
Doing all of the heavy lifting upfront in information procurement and presentation. We do not engage the banks until we have our submission 100% complete. Anything less will create engagement and turnaround inefficiencies.

What's your top tip for keeping clients updated?
On the phone. Either speaking directly, leaving a message or shooting a text. We recognise that everyone is busy, including our clients but a quick update indicates to the client that they are being considered and have not been forgotten.

What's your top tip for strong referral relationships? 
Keeping the referrer informed of the progress you are making (without disclosing key information for privacy reasons) towards achieving a successful outcome. Human behaviour creates a natural positive response that they too have not been forgotten after the effort they have gone to in introducing one of their key relationships or networks. It is the feel good factor knowing that their introduction has led to an incredible outcome and they were apart of it.

What's your top tip for maximising online presence?
Variation and making it natural.  We try to express our personality through our digital media releases to assist with the emotional engagement and building trust.  Variation makes our engagement unpredictable which adds another flavour or dimension to our interaction with our audience.  

What's your top tip for networking events?
Some people are natural in touching base with a large number of people in a room, but for most of us it is not possible. I suggest doing your homework prior to the event and know in advance the three top people you want to catch up with as a key priority. Once achieved, then let the event roll on naturally.

What's your tip for when you’re feeling overwhelmed?
Focus on one milestone, lock yourself in a vault of concentration and knock it out without distraction. Pick the next milestone and repeat. It is the same cliche as climbing a mountain. Focusing on the summit from base camp is daunting, but focusing on camp 1 is achievable.

What's your tip for lenders and industry regulators?
Don't be a person who undermines the industry and ruins the careers and livelihoods of hard-working business owners by making decisions to suit a personal or political agenda. Be strong enough to show true leadership and stand for what is the right thing to do.  

What's your top time saving tip and how much time does it save you?
It has always been putting a system in place to analyse and vet what is a bankable and committed client and who is not. If 90% of your effort is invested to those who are instead of 60%, then the results will look after itself.